Jay Leno Hospitalized with ‘Serious’ Burns to Face After Car Fire, Cancels Appearances

<> on June 26, 2015 in Fontana, California.
Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

Veteran late-night TV host and comedian Jay Leno has been hospitalized with “serious” facial burns following a car fire.

Leno was taken to the Grossman Burn Center in Los Angeles, California, after suffering a serious injury stemming from a car fire that burned the left side of his face, according to sources with direct knowledge who spoke to TMZ.

While the flames fortunately did not penetrate Leno’s eye or his ear, the severity of the 72-year-old television host’s injuries remain unclear.

On Sunday, Leno was in an L.A. garage, where he stores his cars, when one of the vehicles burst into flames without warning, TMZ reports. As a result of the car fire, the former Tonight Show host has canceled all of his engagements for the rest of the week.

The first of Leno’s appearances to be canceled was at The Financial Brand conference Las Vegas, Nevada, on Sunday. Event organizers reportedly said there was a “very serious medical emergency” that stopped him from showing up.

“His family was not able to provide us very many details, but there was a very serious medical emergency that is preventing Jay from traveling,” read an email from The Financial Brand, obtained by PEOPLE. “All we know is that he is alive, so our prayers go out to him and his family tonight.”

According to sources who spoke to Deadline, the car fire involved gasoline.

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