North Carolina Centenarian Gets ‘Arrested’ for Bucket List

North Carolina Centenarian Gets ‘Arrested’ for Bucket List
WZDX News/YouTube

The Person County Sheriff’s Office fulfilled 100-year-old Ruth Bryant’s birthday wish on Tuesday with a tongue-in-cheek “arrest.”

By the time you have reached a full century of life, you have, statistically speaking, experienced more than most people ever will. But for Ruth Bryant of Person, North Carolina, there is still more to do. Specifically, the otherwise well-behaved elderly woman wanted to experience being arrested. With the help of officers from the county sheriff’s office, she got her wish.

Deputies R.D. Weaver and Tevin Dixon served a warrant for Bryant’s arrest, charging her with “indecent exposure” in the midst of her birthday celebration. Bryant was cuffed to her walker as she grumbled and complained, telling officers they were “getting on my last nerve.”

Bryant was transported from her home at the assisted living facility to the county jail. Officers pulled out all the stops, even taking her “mug shot.” But upon arrival, she had some advice for Dixon on who he should go after next. “Who’s that?” Dixon asked. “The people who make these low damn seats in all these cars,” Bryant said. “You ought to arrest every one of them.”


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